Blake and I just got back from Utah yesterday. It was quite a trip! We left Erik here since he started his fall semester and we drove with my parents and little sister who we dropped off at Dixie in St. George. We went to St. George first and moved my sister into her apartment. We spent about 4 days there with my dad's parent's and then headed up north to Spanish Fork to spend about a week with my mom's parent's.
The drive out there and back was just fine. Blake did extremely well for being couped up in his car seat. He didn't really cry at all! Let's just say thank goodness for portable DVD players and Baby Einstein videos! Also, stopping every 3 hours or so was perfect for him to be able to get out. We had such a great time seeing tons of family and being able to spend time with them. It was sure fun, but we are so glad to be back home with Erik!