Thursday, July 2, 2009

White Coat Ceremony

TWO future dentists?

The new alma mater: The University of Oklahoma (sorry BYU)

The dental school held a white coat ceremony to welcome the entering class of 2013. After that little welcoming, it was pretty much time to get serious.


  1. YAY for Erik! I bet he is glad to get going. He looks very professional in that white coat.

  2. I am so glad you started a blog. YOu have a way cute layout. I love the family picture of the three of you on your face book page. So Cute! How was the white coat ceremony. Jason is in a few weeks. Our husbands are growing up and becoming professional.

  3. Update your blog slacker!! Your template is way cute I love it. Hope you guys are doing well. Did you go to Utah yet? I can't remember when you said you were going.
